History students will no doubt recall the Ceffcanean Class Shuttle, a long range
shuttle produced by Galactic Space Agency from 2097 to 2144. Denan scientists
macro-engineered the design into a cruiser class ship, which has been in
production since 2216. Cleverly named the Kefka Class Cruiser, it reminds many
old pilots of their youths (Some longer lived people actually mistake the craft
for friendly Terrans, an opportunity rarely passed up by Denan pirates). Crews
often customise the weapons capabilities of a Kefka, either salvaging them from
battles or buying old fighters on the black market. For this reason, it is hard
to describe a "standard" configuration. A general consensus of experienced
pilots rates them dangerous as a Terran battleship. Many stories of salvation
from pirate Kefka attacks can be attributed to the periodic power outages the
ships suffer.
The Denan fighter remains one of the few original designs, and ironically,
is one of the most innovative in the known galaxy. The single wing holds
the pilot and all on-board systems, while the large barrel structure houses
both engine and weapons. In order to minimise damage to vital systems
and the cockpit structure, the entire wing rotates around the barrel in
flight. Although the speed is variable, one half r evolution per second
keeps an average pace. Cameras mounted on the unmoving barrel structure allow
pilots to maintain a steady view. This design remains perhaps the most
deadly non-organic fighter technology in existence.